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Addicted to Busy: Recovery for the Rushed Soul
7 Days
For those moving too fast through life, a guide to help you slow down and discover rest. In Addicted to Busy, Brady Boyd shows us how to live a life that embraces stillness and solitude, finding the peace that God wants for us.
JESUS THE KING: An Easter Devotional By Timothy Keller
9 Days
New York Times bestselling author and renowned pastor, Timothy Keller shares a series of episodes from the life of Jesus as told in the book of Mark. Taking a closer look at these stories, he brings new insights on the relationship between our lives and the life of the son of God, leading up to Easter. JESUS THE KING is now a book and study guide for small groups, available wherever books are sold.
本計劃從聖經多處的經節擷取,並搭配每日經文的學習,最後以神的話語為基礎來為個人的生命和教會禱告,特別身為一個敬拜者,更應該透過禱告來堅定。 本計劃由高雄德生長老教會王道仁牧師所提供的「心靈小品」中節錄。