與 馬可福音 14:36 相關的免費讀經計畫與靈修短文
Prayers of Jesus
5 Days
We recognize the importance of communication in relationships, and our relationship with God is no exception. God longs for us to communicate with him in prayer—a discipline that even His Son, Jesus, practiced. In this plan, you’ll learn from Jesus’ example, and you’ll be challenged to step out of the traffic of life and experience for yourself the strength and guidance prayer provides.
Think About the Things You Think About
7 Days
Do you ever just wake up with a bad attitude? Or have emotional outbursts? Or nitpick every tiny flaw you think you have? Ugh. Not fun. But God doesn’t want us to live that way. This Bible Plan will help you learn truth from Philippians chapter 4. It will help you think about what you think about!
Imperfect People in the Bible
7 Days
Whether you’ve messed up a little or a lot by human standards, you’re a prime candidate to be used by God. In this 7-day Plan, we’ll learn about six individuals from the Bible whom God used despite where they came from, what their capabilities were, or how colossal their mistakes were.
I Choose
12 Days
Do you ever feel like you’re trapped inside a choose-your-own-adventure book with someone else doing the choosing? Moms are right. Our choices actually do matter—a lot. This Life.Church Bible Plan accompanies Craig Groeschel’s messages into some of the most powerful choices anyone can make. Maybe we can't always pick our own adventures, but we can choose purpose, prayer, surrender, discipline, love, and importance.