與 馬可福音 12:29 相關的免費讀經計畫與靈修短文
Called To Create
5 Days
Entrepreneurship and creativity can be used in powerful ways to glorify God, love others, and make disciples of Jesus Christ. In this five day plan, you will read Scripture and stories from C.S. Lewis, Arthur Guinness, J.R.R. Tolkien, and Casper ten Boom: four Christians who embraced the call to create and who will inspire you to do the same.
婚姻是從「我」到「我們」的發展與連結過程。正因這是一段漫長的關係旅程以及共同生活的經歷,尤其是在轉折處,例如生小孩、青少年、空巢期、健康、工作改變等等階段,最會考驗到彼此的關係。這個過程也最能迫使基督徒夫妻思考關於神如何守約愛人,及主耶穌如何付出捨己的愛的教導。 要明白為什麼要守住婚姻的盟約,我們不僅需要聖經的知識,還需要更新我們的心。如大衛在詩篇23:3所說「祂使我的靈魂甦醒。」若沒有神,我們的愛就會被有限的看法及感受所限制,我們實在需要閱讀神的話語、反思及禱告,才有能力在屬靈方面有長進。這五天的靈修計畫將幫助你從聖經的角度來思考婚姻的盟約關係。
Go Do Say Give: The Freedom Of Surrender To Jesus
7 Days
Surrender to Jesus is a life-defining moment. But what does this decision mean and how do we live it each day? Is this only for the big decisions of life, or the super-spiritual person? Fear, previous failures, and misunderstanding can hold us back. "Go Do Say Give" is a pledge/prayer that unpacks how to take the next steps in your spiritual journey. Experience the freedom that comes with following Jesus.
Money and Investing with the Kwak Brothers
7 Days
Did you know that Jesus talked about money 11 times in the 40 parables in the New Testament? That’s nearly 27.5% of the documented teachings of Jesus. That tells us just how important our mindset and attitude towards money are. We must be aware of how we form our thoughts and attitudes about money so we can have a Christ-centered perspective.
你的生活是否被各種工作應酬、接送小孩、教會服事給塞滿,因而被壓得快喘不過氣?然而耶穌為我們付上代價的目的,是讓我們能夠與神建立關係,而非一直為祂做事情。 耶穌渴望我們花更多時間與祂在一起,好讓我們生命沒有任何一處不認識:祂是如此地愛著我們。當我們選擇更多停留在神的愛中,完全浸泡在這一份屬神的渴慕裡,我們將別無渴望、別無所擾,正如神渴望我們與祂同在一樣,我們也將如此單單地渴慕與祂在一起。 此計畫幫助我們從自我控告、完美主義中得釋放,讓我們的心再次被天上的事物充滿,在至高者的隱密處,享受、浸泡在主的同在裡。