與 馬可福音 10:27 相關的免費讀經計畫與靈修短文
7 Days
Still haven't made up your mind about God? Not really sure what you believe? Spend the next seven days exploring the Bible and see what God reveals to you about his true nature. This is your opportunity to read the story for yourself and decide what you believe. The idea of God is too important for you to still be undecided.
跨越Pray 1
生命的成長無需著急,我們鼓勵你透過 90 天生命突破的禱告這本專門為靈命成長而寫的書,一周、一周地完成操練,一步、一步地踏穩步伐向前行。 願神從此刻開啟你靈裡的畫布與稿紙 讓你開始為祂創作,並且開始分享與祝福更多的人! 透過每周的主題、每周特別設計的 時間,鼓勵你每天進行聖經經文的禱讀帶領及 思想回顧、記錄和行動,這些都將幫助你一一經歷與神同行的自潔旅程。
JESUS THE KING: An Easter Devotional By Timothy Keller
9 Days
New York Times bestselling author and renowned pastor, Timothy Keller shares a series of episodes from the life of Jesus as told in the book of Mark. Taking a closer look at these stories, he brings new insights on the relationship between our lives and the life of the son of God, leading up to Easter. JESUS THE KING is now a book and study guide for small groups, available wherever books are sold.