與 馬太福音 7:13 相關的免費讀經計畫與靈修短文
He Calls Us By Name
5 Days
Humans are a lot like sheep. Just like sheep, we need a shepherd to guide us on the paths of life. Jesus is our Good Shepherd. He calls us by name, leads us out of bondage, finds us when we’re lost, knows us intimately, and keeps us from harm. He not only leads us, He loves us. Jesus laid down His life for us. Join me in this five-day study as we explore different ways Jesus shepherds us.
Chasing Carrots
7 Days
We’re all chasing something. Usually something just out of reach—a better job, a more comfortable home, a perfect family, the approval of others. But isn’t this tiring? Is there a better way? Find out in this new Life.Church Bible Plan, accompanying Pastor Craig Groeschel’s message series, Chasing Carrots.
基督六家靈晨靈糧系列之3 —— 踐行信仰的人生
《靈晨靈糧》是基督六家在疫情期間推出的每日靈修計劃,為弟兄姐妹提供屬靈餵養。本計劃精選劉鴻昌傳道 Jeremy Liou 的14篇作品,分享如何將信仰實踐在基督徒的日常生活中。
您是否時常因為聖經太厚,讀不完? 聽講道的時候,因為牧師提到的背景資訊不熟悉,而聽不懂講道呢? 其實,整本聖經是一個關於救恩的大故事,而這個大故事大致可以透過16個小故事,來明白上帝對於這個世界和人類的救恩計畫。 若是您從沒有讀完過整本聖經,藉由這個讀經計畫,可以讓您對整本聖經的背景資訊和中心主旨,有初步的認識,使您聽講道時可以更有概念。若是您讀過整本聖經,這個讀經計畫能夠幫助您用更宏觀的眼光,來明白上帝在整個救恩計畫的心意。