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本計畫希望帶給弟兄姊妹一個確信和激勵—基督徒的婚姻如在方舟中生活,注重家庭每一位成員和神生命的關係,存著敬畏神的態度、以神對家庭的準則為藍圖,來建立基督化的家庭。本計劃擷取自『方舟裡的春天-美滿婚姻七要訣』 。

Craig & Amy Groeschel’s From This Day Forward
7 Days
You can have a great marriage. The choices you make today will determine the marriage you will have tomorrow. Pastor and New York Times bestselling author Craig Groeschel and his wife, Amy, show you how five commitments can help you fail-proof your marriage: Seek God, fight fair, have fun, stay pure, and never give up. Get the marriage you always wanted, starting right now — from this day forward.