與 馬太福音 16:17 相關的免費讀經計畫與靈修短文

The Doctrines Of Grace
5 Days
This five day plan is an in-depth study of the doctrines of grace. T.U.L.I.P. is a heading of Theology that magnifies the sovereignty of God. Exalting God’s grace is the truth expressed in the doctrines of grace.

Cross & Crown
7 Days
Much of the New Testament was written so that we might know Jesus Christ, the salvation He secured through His death on the cross, and the promise of His resurrection. Join Dr. Charles Stanley as he reflects on the life, death, and resurrection of Christ, the gift of eternal life secured on your behalf, and the depth of the Father’s great love.

Love Remains Holy Week
8 Days
It’s hard to imagine what Jesus was thinking and feeling in the days leading to cross, but one thing we do know—his trust and assurance in the goodness and faithful love of God. Take a journey this Holy Week through the gospels, walk with Jesus, ask God a simple question, and encounter the vast love of God.

The Characters of Easter: Simon Peter
10 Days
Peter was just a fisherman from backwater Galilee, but he was pursued by Jesus and became the rock upon which the church was built. He witnessed the pivotal moment of the cross and empty tomb. Join author Daniel Darling on this 10-day plan to discover the life of Simon Peter, an unlikely character caught up in the story of Jesus.