與 路加福音 24:21 相關的免費讀經計畫與靈修短文

4 天
當我們思考我們所處的世界的狀況時,戰爭和衝突似乎主宰著每個新聞頻道,自然災害影響著全球人民,社區內關係破裂很常見,我們看看詩篇 46篇,它給了我們信心在任何情況下,神都是不會動搖的根基。我們改變了,我們的處境改變了,但我們的神沒有。

Luke Series The Time Is Now
7 Days
Are you ready to start a life-changing journey? Walk with Jesus through Luke nineteen to twenty-four. Witness the establishment of God’s Kingdom on earth and Jesus’s final days on earth. Discover who Jesus is, why he came to earth, what his message was, and what he wants you to do. Your discovery will impact your family, friends, and community.

Red-Letter Day
12 Days
Bloody, beaten, and nailed to a cross, a dying Jesus looked at those around Him and spoke His final words as a man. In this 12-day reading and devotional plan, you’ll examine Jesus’ final words and see the power that they have for us today. Relive Jesus' final hours, and celebrate His ultimate victory on this red-letter day.