與 耶利米哀歌 5:21 相關的免費讀經計畫與靈修短文
How Then, Shall We Pray?
6 Days
Prayer is a mystery. How do we pray? What do we pray for? If God already knows everything, why do we pray? We know prayer is a crucial aspect of the life of a Christian, but it is often a challenge. Going through the example that Jesus gave us in the Lord’s Prayer, we will explore different elements of prayer and discover ways to develop our own prayer life.
24 天
苦難是我們生命中的不速之客。它在我們毫無提防之下破壞著我們的人際關係、健康和經濟。我們永遠不知道它什麼時候會離開,苦難使我們懷疑神的美善,甚至質疑神的信實。 苦難可能会让我们崩潰。但结局不一定必须如此。在這四週的讀經計劃中,妳將會學習到在苦難中我們其實可以坦然地跟神哭求。正如大衛、耶利米和保羅一般。這三位聖經人物都遭受巨大的苦難,並勇敢地向神呼求,大膽地唱出他們的哀歌。
Our Daily Journey: A 30-Day Walk With Jesus
30 Days
Every journey requires supplies. On the journey of life, some of the best supplies are God’s Word and a bit of encouragement from friends. This Our Daily Journey reading plan features 30 days of writing from trusted authors whose insights speak into your life. Each short devotional contains a story supported by multiple Scripture references as well as a “Next” section to help you think more deeply. Make the most of your devotional time with truth and encouragement from Our Daily Journey.