與 約翰福音 17:14 相關的免費讀經計畫與靈修短文
The Power of Unity
4 Days
Many people settle for racial tolerance instead of oneness. We’ll indulge differing races. Maybe we’ll even attend racial rallies. But when the event is over, we go our separate ways. This shows us that it takes more than a smile, handshake and a friendly “hello” to bridge this racial gap. In this 4-day reading plan, Dr. Tony Evans will take you on a journey toward biblical unity.
Joy Over Stress: How To Make Daily Joy A Habit
6 days
We are overstressed. Culture tells us to combat our stress by chasing the next happy moment. But the Bible paints a different picture. This six-day plan will show you how you can practically combat your daily stress by making Biblical joy a habit.
How Then, Shall We Pray?
6 Days
Prayer is a mystery. How do we pray? What do we pray for? If God already knows everything, why do we pray? We know prayer is a crucial aspect of the life of a Christian, but it is often a challenge. Going through the example that Jesus gave us in the Lord’s Prayer, we will explore different elements of prayer and discover ways to develop our own prayer life.
「如果人生是一臺戲,演給世人和天使觀看,那我們就為此譜寫主題曲。」7 天、7 首主題曲、7 篇讀經計劃,讓你找回真實的自己,從你的夢想走進神的夢想!一起找回勇氣和盼望,成為世上的光!