與 約翰福音 15:15 相關的免費讀經計畫與靈修短文
Why Does God Love Me?
5 Days
Questions: When it comes to God, we all have them. Given our comparison-driven culture, one of the most personal questions we may find ourselves asking is, “Why does God love me?” Or maybe even, “How could He?” Over the course of this plan, you’ll engage with a total of 26 Scripture passages—each one speaking the truth of God’s unconditional love for you.
一張白紙,一支筆,你會怎麼做呢? 久久不敢下筆,深怕一筆毀了整張畫。 人生有時就像作畫,我們小心翼翼的在腦海裡構想每一步,卻遲遲不敢真正提筆,畫下第一筆。 害怕出錯、害怕出糗、害怕出包 好多的害怕,講都講不完...... 不過這樣的人生,未免也太緊張了吧!
Making Space
8 Days
In a busy world, we have to make space for the things that matter most. We have to learn to apply godly wisdom that will help you incorporate these activities into your busy life. In some cases, you will find that you are doing the wrong things. Or you might find that you are doing the right things for the wrong reason or in the wrong way, so they are not life-giving or fulfilling.
The Blessing of Ordinary
10 Days
What if the nagging sense your spiritual life needs to be more spectacular isn’t from the Holy Spirit? This devotional track reveals that finding peace that passes understanding isn’t in some greener spiritual pasture but is in finding the green in your right-now-life. Join us for the next ten days as we find the blessing in the wonderfully ordinary and learn to be content in our everyday lives.
His Great Sacrifice, Our Great Commission
10 Days
Travel a different road that leads to Easter this year. Start your journey with global missionaries in the Middle East and navigate the sights and sounds that will help you experience Easter from a whole new perspective. Experience anew why Jesus came to this earth--to save the souls of mankind.
2 Weeks
Jesus Himself said anyone who loves Him will obey His teaching. No matter what it costs us personally, our obedience matters to God. The "Obedience" reading plan walks through what the Scriptures say about obedience: How to maintain a mindset of integrity, the role of mercy, how obeying frees us and blesses our lives, and more.
Holy Emotions - Biblical Responses to Every Challenge
30 Days
God made you for this moment in time… to love the unlovable, reflect peace in turmoil, and show defiant joy in every situation. You can do what seems impossible by learning what the Bible says about your human emotions and how to manage them. This devotional covers the ordinary and sometimes extraordinary challenges we face each day, and provides Biblical references to help manage your emotions in a Godly way.