與 約翰福音 10:10 相關的免費讀經計畫與靈修短文

A U-Turn From Emotional Issues
3 Days
When your life is out of alignment with God’s Word you will almost certainly experience painful consequences. When your emotions get out of order and start to determine your well-being, you may find yourself locked in self-made prisons from which it can be hard to escape. You need to find a proper balance and learn how to trust in God. Let Tony Evans show you the path to emotional freedom.

5 Days
I've had highs. I've had lows. How about you? Do you like that?? Me neither! Mustering up joy doesn't last does it? The Holy Spirit using Scripture brings joy despite hard times. What we think - that's what we act like. This plan will help us focus on what right thinking is!

本計畫希望帶給弟兄姊妹一個確信和激勵—基督徒的婚姻如在方舟中生活,注重家庭每一位成員和神生命的關係,存著敬畏神的態度、以神對家庭的準則為藍圖,來建立基督化的家庭。本計劃擷取自『方舟裡的春天-美滿婚姻七要訣』 。

Finding Freedom From Stress
5 Days
Stress is real, but it doesn’t have to run your life. Through Christ, we can reframe it, refocus it, and redefine it. If you’re struggling with stress, check out this 5-day Bible Plan to learn how to find freedom and peace.

Dear Addiction...
5 Days
"Dear Addiction..." is a 5-day reading plan that dives into the cycle of addiction from a biblical standpoint. The Word offers so much insight and power regarding our struggles, we pray that this devotional comforts and inspires you through the recovery process!

Experiencing God's Peace
5 Days
The world’s peace is different from God’s peace. Worldly peace is temporary and dependent upon circumstances. God’s peace offers a permanent solution, which is salvation through Jesus and His presence in our lives. In this Plan, we’ll dive into what God’s peace truly means and how we can experience it in our lives.

婚姻是從「我」到「我們」的發展與連結過程。正因這是一段漫長的關係旅程以及共同生活的經歷,尤其是在轉折處,例如生小孩、青少年、空巢期、健康、工作改變等等階段,最會考驗到彼此的關係。這個過程也最能迫使基督徒夫妻思考關於神如何守約愛人,及主耶穌如何付出捨己的愛的教導。 要明白為什麼要守住婚姻的盟約,我們不僅需要聖經的知識,還需要更新我們的心。如大衛在詩篇23:3所說「祂使我的靈魂甦醒。」若沒有神,我們的愛就會被有限的看法及感受所限制,我們實在需要閱讀神的話語、反思及禱告,才有能力在屬靈方面有長進。這五天的靈修計畫將幫助你從聖經的角度來思考婚姻的盟約關係。

Living Changed: Provision
5 Days
We serve a generous God who promises to provide for our every need. Even though He doesn’t grant wishes, He does still work miracles. God delights in giving us gifts because He cares deeply about us, even down to the smallest detail. This 5-day plan will explore stories of God’s provision, build your faith, and encourage you to put God first in your finances.

Living Changed: When You’re Single
5 Days
We all have expectations of what our lives will look like. Maybe you expected to be married by now, but instead you feel lonely, lost, or hopeless. The truth is, you don’t have to be married to find joy and live out your calling. This 5-day plan will help you live with purpose today and give you hope for the future.

Simply Christmas a Five-Day Reading Plan to Reclaim the Peace of the Holidays by Tama Fortner
5 Days
Slow down and savor time with the Savior this season. Choose to pause and ponder as Mary did, to get lost in the wonder of Immanuel, of God with us. This year, let it be simply Christmas.

Listening To God
7 Days
Amy Groeschel has written this seven-day Bible Plan in hopes it will be taken as straight from our loving Father’s heart to yours. Her prayer is that it teaches you to avoid the opposing clamor and awakens you to focus on His voice.

The Book Of John | The 7 "Signs" And The 7 "I AM's" Of Jesus
7 Days
John's gospel can be broken into four parts: an Introduction (John 1:-1:18), the Book of signs (1:19-12:50), the Book of exaltation (13:1-20:31) and an Epilogue (chapter 21). In this Seven Day study we will study the 7 “Signs” of Jesus, and the 7 “I AM" statements of Jesus, to demonstrate that John structured his book in a way that helps the reader see that Jesus fulfills the ministry of Elisha.

Break Free From Comparison a 7 Day Devotional by Anna Light
7 Days
You know God offers you a more abundant life than the one you're living, but the sad truth is comparison holds you back from going to the next level. In this reading plan Anna Light uncovers insights that will shatter the lid comparison puts on your capabilities, and help you live the free and abundant life God designed for you.

7 Days
It’s all in your head. But what if that’s a good thing? Our thoughts are more than a reaction to what’s happening in our lives—they’re a powerful force for shaping who we are and who we can become. Learn from everyday people like you how you can use the powerful truth of Romans 12:2 to unleash the mastermind inside you.

Living Changed: After Divorce
7 Days
Divorce grieves the heart of God. He hates seeing us in pain and holding onto guilt, shame, and fear. Despite our mistakes, He longs for us to accept His grace and know we are valued, cherished, and irreplaceable. No matter your circumstances, this plan will help you find healing from your divorce, so you can live the redeemed life God has for you—one full of hope, joy, and purpose.

Christian Minimalism: Simple Steps for Abundant Living
7 Days
We all know our purpose in life is not wrapped up in accumulating possessions, wealth, power, and prestige--Jesus is very clear about that--but society tells us otherwise. Christian Minimalism attempts to cut through our assumptions and society's lies about what life should look like and invites readers into a life that Jesus calls us to live: one lived intentionally, free of physical, spiritual, and emotional clutter.

7 Days of Hope for Overcoming Eating Disorders
7 Days
Eating disorders (ED) are underwhelmingly discussed, highly misunderstood, and rarely spoken about in relation to Scripture and faith. But even though the Bible may not address this trial specifically, you can still look to God’s Word for wisdom, truth, and healing from the eating disorders you are battling.

His Great Sacrifice, Our Great Commission
10 Days
Travel a different road that leads to Easter this year. Start your journey with global missionaries in the Middle East and navigate the sights and sounds that will help you experience Easter from a whole new perspective. Experience anew why Jesus came to this earth--to save the souls of mankind.

Living a Life That Honors God
23 Days
In the apostle Peter's first letter to Christians, he discusses the right attitude toward other people, the position of husband and wife within marriage, and dealing with suffering. This reading plan covers chapters 2 and 3 of Peter’s letter.

Holy Emotions - Biblical Responses to Every Challenge
30 Days
God made you for this moment in time… to love the unlovable, reflect peace in turmoil, and show defiant joy in every situation. You can do what seems impossible by learning what the Bible says about your human emotions and how to manage them. This devotional covers the ordinary and sometimes extraordinary challenges we face each day, and provides Biblical references to help manage your emotions in a Godly way.