與 雅各書 5:15 相關的免費讀經計畫與靈修短文
6 Days
Change isn’t easy, but it isn’t impossible, either. Starting a few small habits can change how you see yourself today and transform you into the person you want to be tomorrow. This Life.Church Bible Plan moves through Scripture with a simple acronym for making good daily habits that actually stick.
Praying For Your Elephant - Praying Bold Prayers
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Dive into the adventure that is the prayer-filled life. Join Pastor Adam Stadtmiller on a journey to learn how to pray for big things – your elephants – while gaining greater intimacy with God. This seven-day plan is an introduction to Praying for Your Elephants.
A 7-Day Guide To Prayer
7 days
When the word prayer comes to our minds, we probably have a picture of what that looks like. Regardless of your background, you probably have some prior experience with the concept of prayer. In this 7-day plan, we’ll dive deeper into what prayer looks like and how we can incorporate practices that will help us begin an ongoing conversation with God that will last our entire lives.