與 雅各書 1:4 相關的免費讀經計畫與靈修短文
Give Your Work Meaning
4 Days
Most of us will spend about 50 percent of our adult life at work. We want to know our work has meaning – that our work matters. But stress, demands and adversity can cause us to see work as hard – something to get through. This reading plan will help you recognize the power you have to choose a positive meaning for your work that is rooted in faith.
Going Through Hard Times
4 Days
Facing difficult situations in our lives is inevitable. But in this short 4-day Plan, we’ll be encouraged knowing we are not alone, that God has a purpose for our pain, and that He will use it for His greater purpose.
Joy is a Person
4 Days
Life is hard! We are struggling in our relationships and our mental and emotional reserves are empty. We need something far greater than we can touch, purchase or come up with on our own. Something that will help us survive the hardest seasons of life. Join Robin Meadows as she shares this 4-day plan taken from the full length Bible study Joy is a Person: A Deep Dive into Philippians.
5 Days
I've had highs. I've had lows. How about you? Do you like that?? Me neither! Mustering up joy doesn't last does it? The Holy Spirit using Scripture brings joy despite hard times. What we think - that's what we act like. This plan will help us focus on what right thinking is!
Gaining Godly Wisdom
5 Days
Many of us see wisdom as something more experienced people have. But, we really can have it no matter how long we’ve lived. This 5-day Plan will give you insight into what godly wisdom actually is and how to gain it.
Living Changed: At Christmas
5 Days
In all the holiday hustle and bustle, it can be easy to lose sight of why we’re celebrating. In this 5-day advent plan, we’ll dive into the promises fulfilled by the birth of Jesus and the hope we have for the future. As we learn more about who God is, we’ll discover how to live through the holiday season with hope, faith, joy, and peace.
Finding Comfort In Pain
6 Days
Comfort and pain are as old as the human experience. Yet, we struggle to understand their place in our life and faith. Why do I not feel God’s comfort? If He loves me, how could God let this happen? This six-day Bible Plan delves into these questions, their answers in Scripture, and God’s place in all of it.
6 Days
Change isn’t easy, but it isn’t impossible, either. Starting a few small habits can change how you see yourself today and transform you into the person you want to be tomorrow. This Life.Church Bible Plan moves through Scripture with a simple acronym for making good daily habits that actually stick.
6 Days
We hope that this reading plan will inspire you to go on a journey in cultivating the fruit of patience in your life. In the past few years we have found that even though circumstances are not always pleasant, God will use them to mold our character. What He desires is for us to approach these trials with a Godly sense of patience.
When God Doesn't Make Sense
7 Days
Life doesn’t always go the way we expected. You pray with faith, but God doesn’t do what you asked. You seek Him but don’t feel His presence. You’re going through pain, but your cries for relief seem to go unanswered. This Life.Church Bible Plan will guide you through Scriptures to read When God Doesn’t Make Sense.
Joy: A Countdown to Christmas
7 Days
Christmas is supposed to be a season of joy –– but what exactly is joy and how do you choose it when the world is filled with hurt and hardship? Discover what “joy to the world” really means by immersing yourself in the Christmas story with this special, 7-day Christmas Plan.
Dreams Redeemed
7 Days
What do we do when our dreams seem out of reach or even shattered? Having overcome abuse and trauma, as well as the heartbreak of a divorce, I have been faced with this question again and again. Whether you’re experiencing the devastation of tragedy or loss, or the frustration of a long season of waiting, the God-dream for your life is still alive! Friend, it’s time to dream again.
7 Days
Most of us try to avoid or ignore our emotions. We might even wonder if our faith and our feelings are enemies. But during His time on earth, Jesus felt emotions deeply. He wasn’t distant from us. He’s with us—even in our emotions. In this 7-day Bible Plan accompanying Pastor Craig Groeschel’s series, Emotions, we’ll look at how Jesus lived to discover how our feelings might increase our faith.
緊緊抓住舒適,會讓我們失去什麼?我們若僅僅禱告求上帝保佑我們遠離試煉,那便是在剝奪自己將來成熟的機會。這個為期7天的讀經計畫是配合克雷‧葛羅雪(Craig Groeschel)牧師的書《危險的禱告》,我們將獲得做危險禱告的勇氣,放膽走上舒適圈外的道路,去到更美的目的地。
Sitting in the Still: 7 Days to Waiting Inside of God’s Promise
7 Days
There are times we have a promise from God, but we don’t see our life lining up with the promise God has given us. Or there are times we reach a crossroads in our life, relying on God to speak direction into our lives, and we only hear silence. This 7-day devotional will speak to your heart about how to move in God’s Will when God seems to be quiet.
Joy for the Journey: Finding Hope in the Midst of Trial
7 Days
We may not always see or feel it, but God is always with us... even when we're going through hard things. In this plan, Finding Hope Coordinator Amy LaRue writes from the heart about her own family's struggle with addiction and how God's joy broke through in their darkest times.
Finding God's Truth In The Storms Of Life
10 Days
As Christians, we are not immune to troubles in this world. In fact, John 16:33 promises they will come. If you are facing the storms of life right now, this devotional is for you. It is a reminder of the hope that gets us through life's storms. And if you aren't facing any struggles in this moment, it will give you the foundation that will help you through future trials.
雅各書 逐節研讀 與研讀聖經團契
Hope In The Dark
12 Days
This Bible Plan is for anyone who’s hurting and doesn’t understand why. If you’ve lost something, someone, or your faith feels stretched to the breaking point, then this Bible Plan from Life.Church Pastor Craig Groeschel’s book, Hope in the Dark, might be exactly what you need. If you want to believe, but you’re not sure how, this is for you.
Conversations With God
12 Days
Conversations With God is a joyous immersion into a more intimate prayer life, emphasizing practical ways to hear God's voice. God wants us to enjoy a running conversation with Him all of our lives—a conversation that makes all the difference in direction, relationships, and purpose. This plan is filled with transparent, personal stories about the reaching heart of God. He loves us!