與 以賽亞書 61:1 相關的免費讀經計畫與靈修短文

Broken Crayons Still Color
5 Days
Many times what we see as our biggest regrets, failures and mistakes become what God uses the most in our lives. God transforms our brokenness into something more beautiful than we can even imagine. He takes our mess and creates a masterpiece. God is the artist and our lives are His canvas. What will you allow Him to create from the broken pieces in your life? In this 5-day plan, you will read scripture and better understand how broken crayons still color.

透過每日研讀及思想神的話語來成為我們靈裡的糧食。讓神的話語不再是遙不可及,而是落實在我們的生命中。 本計劃由張世民弟兄提供。張世民,神國傳道人、吳勇長老講章整理人、生命糧製作人及分享人、哈該領袖學院培訓講師、資深文字工作者、資深媒體記者、國際讀經會讀經主日講員、五星級顧客服務專業講師、前中原大學公共事務中心主任、前基督教論壇報總經理。

Holy Emotions - Biblical Responses to Every Challenge
30 Days
God made you for this moment in time… to love the unlovable, reflect peace in turmoil, and show defiant joy in every situation. You can do what seems impossible by learning what the Bible says about your human emotions and how to manage them. This devotional covers the ordinary and sometimes extraordinary challenges we face each day, and provides Biblical references to help manage your emotions in a Godly way.