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你還記得上一次是什麼時候好好地休息了嗎?是不是一點兒也想不起來了?那是因為大部分的人都苦於疲倦與睡眠不足!但這並非是上帝對你的心意。聖經裡也提及人對休息的需求。作者Cheri Strange細察聖經中有關休息的教導、若不休息所需付出的代價,並提出相關方法,讓我們在日常生活中,也能在基督裡好好休息。
Entering God's Promised Rest - Jesus Is Greater Series #2
8 Days
What is rest? What does it mean to enter into God’s rest? What exactly are we resting from? As we journey through Part Two of Nine devotional plans walking us through the book of Hebrews, we discover how God defines rest, how we enter this rest and how we grow from this position of rest.