與 希伯來書 2:4 相關的免費讀經計畫與靈修短文
Greater Salvation Through Jesus — Jesus Is Greater Series #1
7 Days
Jesus — Is there anyone greater? NO! This is Part One of Nine devotional plans walking us through the Book of Hebrews. This first part sets the stage of Jesus’ Greatness and shows what sets Him apart. God’s people faced a tough choice — follow Jesus and lose everything, or go back. Is following Jesus worth losing so much? We find ourselves asking — and responding — to the same question today.
Listening To God
10 Days
Does God still speak to us today? And if so, how can we distinguish His voice from the deceptions and distortions of the enemy? Join Dr. Charles Stanley as he helps you identify the voice of God, listening actively for His guidance and separating truth from false messages intended to deceive. Discover your key role in the practice of prayer and listening to the voice of God.