與 加拉太書 3:29 相關的免費讀經計畫與靈修短文

Greatly Loved
5 Days
Hosanna Wong knows firsthand what feeling unseen, unworthy, and unloved is like. In this 5-day plan, she unpacks nine names God calls you and offers practical, down-to-earth encouragement to help you expose lies, see yourself through God’s lens, and live with a newfound posture and purpose.

Breathe Spiritual Passion Into Your Marriage
7 Days
Taken from his new book "A Lifelong Love," Gary Thomas speaks into the eternal purposes of marriage. Learn practical tools to help craft your marriage into an inspiring relationship, spreading spiritual life to others.

Seven Keys To Emotional Wholeness
7 Days
There are at least seven major aspects of wholeness involved in seeking God’s best for your emotional life. You don’t need to take these in sequence. Join Dr. Charles Stanley as he helps you build key habits into your life that will help you become increasingly whole in your spirit and emotions. Discover more reading plans like this one at intouch.org/plans.