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Iron Sharpens Iron: Life-to-Life® Mentoring in the Old Testament
5 Days
Do you long to “make disciples who make disciples,” to follow Jesus’ mandate in the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20)? If so, you may have found that it can be difficult to find role models for this process. Whose example can you follow? What does disciplemaking look like in everyday life? Let’s look into the Old Testament to see how five men and women invested in others, Life-to-Life®.

Unshakable Moms
6 Days
What if you knew how to build a house so sturdy, it couldn’t be moved by the storms of adversity? What if your foundation was so solid that even if the floor beneath your feet began to quake, you remained UNSHAKABLE? Patching and painting only lasts a while. We can’t hide behind pretty shutters forever. It’s time to allow His life to build us strong and established in His love.