與 歌羅西書 3:1 相關的免費讀經計畫與靈修短文

New Life In Christ
4 Days
As Christ followers, we have a new life in Christ. But, what does that mean? In this Bible Plan, you’ll learn what a new life in Christ is, how to root out the junk by planting in Christlike qualities, and how to say and do everything as if we were doing it for Christ Himself.

Love and Marriage
5 Days
By focusing on our marriage within the context of Scripture, we give God the opportunity to reveal new insights about our relationship and strengthen our bond. This Plan features a focused passage of Scripture and quick thoughts each day to initiate discussion and prayer with your spouse. This five-day plan is a short-term commitment to help you invest in your lifelong relationship. For more content, check out finds.life.church

Experiencing God's Renewal
5 Days
Being a new creation in Christ means that we are being constantly renewed through Him. God renews our hearts, minds, and body. He even renews our purpose. During this 5-day Bible Plan, you will dive deeper into what God's Word says about renewal. Each day, you will get a Bible reading and a brief devotional that will help reflect on the different ways we experience God's renewal. For more content, check out finds.life.church


7 Days
We are going to find what it means to live for Jesus in a distracted world. This world is running at a hundred miles per hour, and we have more information in our hands than we can handle. Is that the nature of this modern world? How do we slow down in such a fast-paced environment? Psalm 27:4 has the answer – ONE THING, with Ps Andrew Cartledge.

14 天
是耶穌的愛重新帶我審視自己也是同為罪人的身分,聖經讓我看到自己不配接受到任何自以為義的報償。我背地裡行過的惡,遠遠大過我在眾人面前的善行。而耶穌願意為了這樣我,還作罪人的我,犧牲祂的生命。 是這份愛,讓我確知自己100%的救恩,是這份愛繼續帶領一個不擅長承擔責任,只想幫忙唱唱歌、彈彈吉他的我,踏上了傳道的旅程。 是這份愛,讓我在傳福音、邀請人的過程雖經歷了無數的拒絕和忽視,依然能夠繼續把臉皮磨厚,繼續帶上微笑,想辦法讓人有機會聽福音。 因為每個人都有權利聽到福音,作出決定。耶穌為了『世人』的罪釘十字架,不只我們在意的家人、朋友,也包含了我們私人的仇敵和那些報章雜誌登的那些十惡不赦的罪犯。是這個終極的愛和饒恕,帶領我一路到如今。我也願你有機會認識我說的這位上帝。

The Better Reading Plan
28 Days
Do you feel overwhelmed, dissatisfied, and stuck in a rut? Wishing your day-to-day life could improve? God's Word is your guide to brighter days. During this 28-day reading plan, you will discover ways you can go from living just a good life to living the type of better life that God desires you to have.

Holy Emotions - Biblical Responses to Every Challenge
30 Days
God made you for this moment in time… to love the unlovable, reflect peace in turmoil, and show defiant joy in every situation. You can do what seems impossible by learning what the Bible says about your human emotions and how to manage them. This devotional covers the ordinary and sometimes extraordinary challenges we face each day, and provides Biblical references to help manage your emotions in a Godly way.