與 撒母耳記上 16:7 相關的免費讀經計畫與靈修短文
「如果人生是一臺戲,演給世人和天使觀看,那我們就為此譜寫主題曲。」7 天、7 首主題曲、7 篇讀經計劃,讓你找回真實的自己,從你的夢想走進神的夢想!一起找回勇氣和盼望,成為世上的光!
7 Days of the Christmas Story: An Advent Family Devotional
7 Days
It seems we’re all in need of a good hug, real connection, and something delightful to celebrate right now. Our prayer is that this Advent devotional will offer you and your family a way to connect, learn about the real Christmas story, and celebrate Jesus’s birth with new traditions, dinnertime stories, bedtime conversations, and family activities. We hope this Christmas “hug” brings beautiful memories to your home this Advent season!
Seeking God in Worship
8 Days
God is mysterious, eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God. Our lives, however, can become mundane, tedious, and cold. This 8-day study will renew your reverent awe toward our Creator, and inspire your worship to become more profound, spontaneous, and authentic. Explore the wonder of the nature of God, and learn why He deserves our unabashed worship and adoration! This plan is written by Amy Groeschel, and is a part of her SOAR with God study. To continue this Free SOAR Bible study go to www.SoarwithGod.com.
Waiting on God
8 Days
Are you waiting for God to answer your prayers? Do the days, months, and years go by with no evidence that your deepest longings will ever be fulfilled? If so, you’re not alone. Join Dr. Charles Stanley as he draws on personal experience and biblical principles to offer you encouragement when all hope seems gone and guidance to help you make the most of God’s delays.
The Blessing of Ordinary
10 Days
What if the nagging sense your spiritual life needs to be more spectacular isn’t from the Holy Spirit? This devotional track reveals that finding peace that passes understanding isn’t in some greener spiritual pasture but is in finding the green in your right-now-life. Join us for the next ten days as we find the blessing in the wonderfully ordinary and learn to be content in our everyday lives.
Go After God's Heart
12 Days
Leading a small group is about leading people to follow Jesus, right? But what does that look like in real life? We believe it starts with following closely after Him—yourself. The LifeGroups team from Life.Church uncovers leadership principles from the life of David, who God Himself called “a man after My own heart.” Start this Bible Plan today, and take a giant step after God’s heart.
The Making of a King |王命之途
13 天