與 彼得前書 3:9 相關的免費讀經計畫與靈修短文
Experiencing God's Peace
5 Days
The world’s peace is different from God’s peace. Worldly peace is temporary and dependent upon circumstances. God’s peace offers a permanent solution, which is salvation through Jesus and His presence in our lives. In this Plan, we’ll dive into what God’s peace truly means and how we can experience it in our lives.
How To Help Your Millennial Return To Faith
6 Days
Abandoned faith is a painfully deep and prevalent problem among millennials. Even those who grew up in strong Christian families are walking away from their faith. Expert apologist authors Alex McFarland and Jason Jimenez address this new reality with compassion to parents who feel burdened and alone. They share statistics, stories, and practical ways parents can impact their children, and help you lead them home.
8 天
《彼得前書》是使徒彼得寫給第一世紀正經歷種種逼迫的基督徒的書信。 彼得勉勵信徒在外邦人中要堅韌,在行為上作表率,以永恆的眼光展望未來,好得著那不能朽壞、不能玷污、不能衰殘的基業。 《彼得後書》則提醒基督徒在假先知、假教師充斥的末世,要持守信仰、過聖潔和敬虔的生活,仰望神的日子。 對今天的基督徒,彼得的勉勵和提醒依然有效。 讓我們一起透過使徒彼得的書信,思想神的恩典、能力及在我們自己身上的帶領,好叫我們跟隨主不偏離。