與 彼得前書 2:9 相關的免費讀經計畫與靈修短文
The Ministry Of Excellence
3 Days
There are many good reasons to pursue excellence in our work: Excellence advances our careers, grants us influence, and can lead to opportunities to share the gospel. But as this three day plan will show, we ought to pursue excellence for a much more fundamental reason—because excellence is how we best reflect the character of God and love and serve our neighbors as ourselves through out chosen work.
6 Days
We hope that this reading plan will inspire you to go on a journey in cultivating the fruit of patience in your life. In the past few years we have found that even though circumstances are not always pleasant, God will use them to mold our character. What He desires is for us to approach these trials with a Godly sense of patience.
CHOSEN | 我們這群人
6 天
透過這個 6 天的靈修計畫,我們能夠認識耶穌替我們贖回的三種核心身分。這三種身分是「蒙揀選的族類」、「君尊的祭司」、「聖潔的國民」。當我們能夠理解這三種身分,我們才能夠對齊神的心意,一起去打造屬於耶穌的教會。
7 Days
Most of us try to avoid or ignore our emotions. We might even wonder if our faith and our feelings are enemies. But during His time on earth, Jesus felt emotions deeply. He wasn’t distant from us. He’s with us—even in our emotions. In this 7-day Bible Plan accompanying Pastor Craig Groeschel’s series, Emotions, we’ll look at how Jesus lived to discover how our feelings might increase our faith.