與 哥林多前書 9:24 相關的免費讀經計畫與靈修短文
Growing Your Faith
4 Days
The Bible has a lot to say about how we grow our faith and be fully devoted to Jesus. As He transforms us from the inside out, He invites us to be a part of the process. In this 4-Day Bible Plan, we’ll dive into what it means to follow Him daily and live a Christ-centered life.
7 天
四年一度的奧運會即將來臨,這是全球體育愛好者翹首以待的盛事。為了讓讀者在觀看奧運各項賽事的同時,也能從中學到一些寶貴的屬靈教導,並與上帝更親近,我們特別為你準備了「奧運7日靈修」閱讀計劃。聖經中,保羅多次使用運動員的比喻來向當時的基督徒傳達我們的屬靈旅程同樣需要清晰的目標與嚴格的訓練。的確,我們基督徒的生活就像運動員參加比賽一樣需要自律節制,並追求得勝的生活,不過不是為了日漸失色的獎牌,而是追求永恆的獎賞。 在這個奧運季節,我們為你精心挑選了7篇奧運靈修文章,内含聖經經文、與奧運相關的反思問題和每日禱告。透過這個閱讀計劃,你將探索奧運會背後與聖經遙相呼應的屬靈價值。我們希望在你觀賞奧運賽事的同時,也能夠獲得屬靈的啟發,並將其應用到你的靈命成長中。 立即訂閱我們的閱讀計劃,豐富你的觀賞體驗,並「鍛煉」你的屬靈生命。
Our Daily Bread 15-Day Edition
15 Days
We want to encourage you into a thoughtful, daily, heart-to-heart relationship with God. Millions of readers around the world have turned to the daily devotional, Our Daily Bread for moments of quiet reflection. In just a few minutes each day, the inspiring, life-changing stories point you toward your heavenly Father and the wisdom and promises of His unchanging Word.