與 哥林多前書 6:18 相關的免費讀經計畫與靈修短文
How to Save Sex for Marriage?
3 Days
Whenever someone asks us if we believe in premarital sex we respond by saying “yes and no.” It’s a confusing answer at first, but it gives us an opportunity to make an important point. God affirms our sexuality as human beings and we can’t suddenly become asexual. For this reason, we believe in premarital sexuality. We are quick to follow up, however, by saying that having genital sex before marriage is clearly not in line with God’s principles.
Guardrails: Avoiding Regrets In Your Life
5 days
Guardrails are put in place to keep our vehicles from straying into dangerous or off-limit areas. We often don’t see them until we need them—and then we’re sure thankful they’re there. What if we had guardrails in our relationships, finances, and careers? What might those look like? How might they keep us from future regrets? For the next five days, let’s explore how to set up personal guardrails.
雖然世界似乎越來越黑暗,基督卻已呼召我們成為山上閃耀的城市。當我們把生命分別為聖,從神的話語汲取力量和明日的盼望時,我們的生命就會在黑暗的環境中閃耀。 這個為期四週的靈修札記將帶著我們深入研究神的話語,探討如何在靈魂、心靈、意念和身體這四個方面,過分別為聖的生活。