與 哥林多前書 15:3 相關的免費讀經計畫與靈修短文
What is Biblical Justice?
4 Days
There has been a lot of attention on the term justice right now, and rightfully so. Justice is critical for a society to thrive. But many people dismiss justice because they don’t know what it means. However, there is a correct view of justice that seeks to protect individual liberty and promote individual responsibility. In this 4-day reading plan, Dr. Tony Evans will examine authentic biblical justice.
The Supernatural Life
5 Days
Embracing the supernatural reality of the spiritual world of the Bible is essential for understanding the Bible. Though we can’t see everything, God is working behind the scenes to cause everything promised in the Bible to come to pass. This 5-day plan will challenge you to live intentionally—and believe that His unseen hand is engaged in your circumstances.
7 Days
It’s all in your head. But what if that’s a good thing? Our thoughts are more than a reaction to what’s happening in our lives—they’re a powerful force for shaping who we are and who we can become. Learn from everyday people like you how you can use the powerful truth of Romans 12:2 to unleash the mastermind inside you.