與 哥林多前書 13:6 相關的免費讀經計畫與靈修短文
Love and Keep Loving
3 Days
Celebrating love goes beyond a particular date; it is a life that constantly reminds others that God's love came to heal, restore, and give us a life that proclaims his goodness. I invite you to navigate a three-day study of what love represents and what it looks like to love others as God intends us to.
What Are Spiritual Gifts?
4 Days
You hear people talk about their gifts, and you see certain people doing things that seem so natural to them. But what about you? You may ask, “What are my spiritual gifts?” In this 4-day Plan, you’ll learn about different spiritual gifts, how to discover yours and the ultimate motivation that must propel you when to use them.
Faith, Hope, & Love
4 Days
The Apostle Paul wrote that out of everything in life, three things remain: faith, hope, and love. What do these actually mean for us as followers of Jesus, and how do we live them out? In this 4-day Plan, we’ll learn more about these attributes, and understand how to live a life where we daily exercise faith, hope, and love.
Seeds: What and Why
4 Days
Seeds, they’re everywhere. Your words, your money, your children and even you, yourself, are a seed! How do these seeds work and why should it matter to us? Let’s see what the Bible has to say and discover how it can apply to our lives in order to bring us closer to God and His purpose for us.
Love and Marriage
5 Days
By focusing on our marriage within the context of Scripture, we give God the opportunity to reveal new insights about our relationship and strengthen our bond. This Plan features a focused passage of Scripture and quick thoughts each day to initiate discussion and prayer with your spouse. This five-day plan is a short-term commitment to help you invest in your lifelong relationship. For more content, check out finds.life.church
Becoming The Father God Wants You To Be
5 Days
Children are a blessing from the Lord, no matter the circumstances surrounding their birth (Psalm 127:3). If you are a father, thank God for it and decide right now that you are going to be what God wants you to be in your children’s lives, a visible, tangible illustration of Him, no matter what choices you’ve made to this point. Being a good father really is not as complicated as you might think! All you have to do is love your children like your Heavenly Father loves you.
How To Love People You Disagree With
5 Days
With eight billion people living in the world, there’s no one who will completely agree with you on everything. Our viewpoint on social injustices, politics, current events, and religion is uniquely ours. But even in our differences, we can and should find common ground. In this 5-day Plan, you’ll learn how to love, respect, and empathize with people by speaking truth with grace and gentleness.
婚姻是從「我」到「我們」的發展與連結過程。正因這是一段漫長的關係旅程以及共同生活的經歷,尤其是在轉折處,例如生小孩、青少年、空巢期、健康、工作改變等等階段,最會考驗到彼此的關係。這個過程也最能迫使基督徒夫妻思考關於神如何守約愛人,及主耶穌如何付出捨己的愛的教導。 要明白為什麼要守住婚姻的盟約,我們不僅需要聖經的知識,還需要更新我們的心。如大衛在詩篇23:3所說「祂使我的靈魂甦醒。」若沒有神,我們的愛就會被有限的看法及感受所限制,我們實在需要閱讀神的話語、反思及禱告,才有能力在屬靈方面有長進。這五天的靈修計畫將幫助你從聖經的角度來思考婚姻的盟約關係。
Better Decisions, Fewer Regrets
5 Days
Your decisions determine the direction and quality of your life. While nobody plans to complicate their life with bad decisions, far too many people have no plan to make good decisions. In this five-day reading plan, you'll discover five game-changing questions to ask every time you make a decision.
Living Changed: In Marriage
5 Days
There’s no such thing as the perfect marriage because marriage is the joining of two imperfect people. But with God’s help, you can have a great marriage–not by asking Him to fix your spouse, but by asking Him to do work in your heart. This 5-day plan will help you find healing, peace, and confidence in Christ so you can love your spouse well and transform your marriage.
Marriage Crisis
6 days
Most of us know marriage won’t always be a honeymoon, but no one plans for a marriage crisis. Sadly, deep wounds, affairs, addiction, and divorce threaten so many marriages. But there’s good news: no matter what crisis you face, there’s still hope in Christ. Want more of that? Start this hope-filled Bible Plan by finds.life.church.
Break Free From Envy a Six-Day Reading Plan by Anna Light
6 Days
Now, more than ever, we are faced with everyone’s life as they want it to be seen, and the comparison to our own lives stirs up envy. You do not want this spirit festering in you, but what about the damage envy causes when it is coming against you from another person? In this reading plan, you will discover how to overcome envy, safeguard your heart, and walk in freedom.
The Fruit Of The Spirit
6 Days
God’s Holy Spirit develops and displays His Fruit in us when we give our lives to God. When we follow Him, He begins to do in and through us what only He can do: make us like Jesus. In this Plan, we’ll dive into each aspect of the Fruit of the Spirit as well as learn how to live our lives led by Him.
Forgiving Those Who Wound Us
7 Days
Whether we suffer emotional or physical wounds, forgiveness is the cornerstone of the Christian life. Jesus Christ experience all kinds of unfair and unjust treatment, even to the point of a wrongful death. Yet in his final hour, he forgave the mocking thief on the other cross and his executioners.
Radical Wisdom: A 7-Day Journey For Fathers
7 Days
It’s crazy how much our dads shape us. No one escapes the power and influence of their earthly father. And since most men feel unprepared to be fathers, it’s essential to seek guidance – from Scripture and from other dads. Radical Wisdom is a journey toward wisdom and insight for fathers, combining principles and wisdom from Scripture with the experience of an older, wiser dad who’s learned from his mistakes.
Single, Ready To Mingle
7 Days
Dating and marriage are probably the most talked about topics among young people and even adults. It makes sense, since choosing a spouse is the second most important decision you will ever make in your life, after your decision to follow Christ. In this reading plan, you will discover how to go about dating God’s way and learn some key principles on successful relationships.
Every Language: Listening To The Multilingual God
7 Days
God’s communication with humanity was intended from the beginning for “every nation, tribe, and language.” While all languages are equally competent in expressing the message of the Bible, each language has unique capacities to communicate certain biblical messages in exceptionally enriching ways that other languages cannot. This Bible Plan explores seven of those hidden treasures that will expand how you think about God and his good news.
Battlefield of the Mind Devotional
14 Days
When war starts to wage in your mind, the enemy will use every tool in his arsenal to weaken your relationship with God. This devotional will equip you with inspirations of hope to conquer anger, confusion, condemnation, fear, doubt. These insights will help you uncover the enemy's plot to confuse you and confront destructive thought patterns. Gain strength, encouragement and victory over every battle in your mind.
基督六家靈晨靈糧系列之3 —— 踐行信仰的人生
《靈晨靈糧》是基督六家在疫情期間推出的每日靈修計劃,為弟兄姐妹提供屬靈餵養。本計劃精選劉鴻昌傳道 Jeremy Liou 的14篇作品,分享如何將信仰實踐在基督徒的日常生活中。
28 天
Our Daily Journey: A 30-Day Walk With Jesus
30 Days
Every journey requires supplies. On the journey of life, some of the best supplies are God’s Word and a bit of encouragement from friends. This Our Daily Journey reading plan features 30 days of writing from trusted authors whose insights speak into your life. Each short devotional contains a story supported by multiple Scripture references as well as a “Next” section to help you think more deeply. Make the most of your devotional time with truth and encouragement from Our Daily Journey.