與 詩篇 100:5 相關的免費讀經計劃和靈修短文
Everything I Need
3 days
God has gone before us and protects us from behind. He has our battles already handled. He has the blindside covered. He isn’t surprised by curveballs. This focused 3-day devotional will leave you encouraged in the truth that God is the provider of the exact portion, the exact measure, for your life.
Living Changed: In the New Year
4 Days
With each New Year comes a new chance for a fresh start. Don’t let this be just another year that begins with resolutions you won’t keep. This 4-day plan will guide you in reflection and give you a new perspective so you can make this your best year yet.
Living Changed: Trusting God
5 Days
Even when we know God is faithful, it can be hard for us to live open-handed and fully trust Him with our lives. We want to understand why things happen, and we want to be in control. This 5-day plan will help you see more of who God is, what He’s done, and what He wants for you so that you can begin to trust Him more.