與 以賽亞書 60:3 相關的免費讀經計劃和靈修短文
Jesus the Creator, Carpenter, Gardener, and King
4 Days
Jesus reveals himself in Scripture as creator (at the beginning of time), carpenter (with his birth into the home of Joseph), gardener (at the resurrection), and king (in the new Jerusalem). This plan will lead you to a deeper appreciation for each of these appearances and what they mean for the work you do each day.
The Way of the Kingdom
5 Days
God is awakening His Church, and we need to see the big picture. When times get tough, we will be tempted to quit. It is not, however, time to quit. Join us as we learn how to read the times we are in, as well as gain strategies on how to stand and advance the Kingdom of God.
Arise and Shine
5 Days
People often say, “Give God your burdens.” Do you ever wonder: How do I do that? The brokenness of the world feels too heavy. And as much as you desire to shine the light of Jesus, you wonder what that looks like when you struggle to see the light yourself. This devotional looks at how we can be lights for Jesus even when our own world feels dark.