與 希伯來書 1:2 相關的免費讀經計劃和靈修短文

He Bled Out!
3 Days
When Jesus died on the cross, His blood ran from the pillars of wood to the very depths of our spirits. We were finally reunified with God, who speaks to us through a universal language that directly translates to our situation — no matter who we are, no matter where we came from, and no matter what walls divide us. He bled out so all could come in!

Tony Evans Teaches On Hebrews
5 Days
In this five-day reading plan, Dr. Tony Evans will journey with you through the first section of Hebrews (1:1—3:6) and discuss Jesus: The Superior Person. Hebrews was written to encourage believers to never give up. So, if you have ever faced discouragement in your journey of faith, then this is the book you should study to find encouragement and hope to finish the race of faith well.