與 創世記 16:3 相關的免費讀經計劃和靈修短文
Imperfect People in the Bible
7 Days
Whether you’ve messed up a little or a lot by human standards, you’re a prime candidate to be used by God. In this 7-day Plan, we’ll learn about six individuals from the Bible whom God used despite where they came from, what their capabilities were, or how colossal their mistakes were.
Sitting in the Still: 7 Days to Waiting Inside of God’s Promise
7 Days
There are times we have a promise from God, but we don’t see our life lining up with the promise God has given us. Or there are times we reach a crossroads in our life, relying on God to speak direction into our lives, and we only hear silence. This 7-day devotional will speak to your heart about how to move in God’s Will when God seems to be quiet.
Guide Your Mind-Guard Your Heart-Grace Your Tongue
21 Days
Every single one of us has spoken words “under the influence” of warped feelings and slurred thinking. And soon wish we had the magical power to take those words back. It’s our thoughts and emotions that determine what words come out of our mouths. Guide Your Mind, Guard Your Heart, Grace Your Tongue will enable you to take control of your thoughts and feelings in order to grace your tongue.