與 加拉太書 2:20 相關的免費讀經計劃和靈修短文
9 Common Lies Christians Believe: Part 3 Of 3
3 days
Maybe God isn’t who you think He is. Maybe He’s much better. This devotional will help identify some Christian clichés we’ve all heard that are actually unbiblical lies. These clichés may seem innocent, but are harmful to our faith and keep far too many believers stuck in spiritual immaturity. Learn to encounter these lies with the truths about God in the Bible, to bring encouragement and freedom to our lives.
The End Of Me By Kyle Idleman
7 Days
Taken from Kyle Idleman's follow-up to "Not A Fan," you're invited to find the end of yourself, because only then can you embrace the inside-out ways of Jesus.
Andrew Murray Devotional
7 Days
Andrew Murray was a South African pastor who wrote many books and small devotions to spread God's Word to rural parishioners. Compiled from many of Murray’s most beloved books, these uplifting devotions will bring daily comfort and refresh you in your walk with God.
Centering Your Life Around Meeting With God
7 Days
This life is marked by a single choice: who or what will we center our lives around? This choice takes each of us down a path of decisions that shape who we are, what we feel, who or what we value, and what we will have accomplished at the end of our days. To center our lives around ourselves or the things of this world leads only to destruction.
Finding God's Truth In The Storms Of Life
10 Days
As Christians, we are not immune to troubles in this world. In fact, John 16:33 promises they will come. If you are facing the storms of life right now, this devotional is for you. It is a reminder of the hope that gets us through life's storms. And if you aren't facing any struggles in this moment, it will give you the foundation that will help you through future trials.