與 哥林多後書 10:3 相關的免費讀經計劃和靈修短文
Enough: Silencing Lies That Steal Your Confidence
7 Days
Do the voices in your head say you're not good enough, smart enough, pretty enough...or just not enough, period? Popular author and speaker Sharon Jaynes exposes the lies that keep you bogged down in shame, insecurity, and feelings of inadequacy. Silence the lies that say you're not good enough, and embrace your incredible worth as a woman who is uniquely fashioned and loved by an Almighty God.
A Jolt of Joy
31 Days
The Bible tells us that "in His presence is fullness of joy" and that "the joy of the Lord is our strength". Joy isn't simply another emotion; it is a fruit of the Spirit and one of the best weapons in your arsenal to fight against discouragement, depression, and defeat. Learn what the Bible has to say about joy, and strengthening yourself to become a defiantly joyful Christian.