與 撒母耳記上 17:35 相關的免費讀經計劃和靈修短文

After God's Own Heart
5 Days
King David is described in the New Testament as a man after God’s own heart, meaning that he aligned his own heart with that of God’s. As we study David’s life, our goal for this series is to analyze the things David did in 1 & 2 Samuel in order to mold our hearts after God’s and resemble the same intensity of focus and spirit that David showcased throughout his life.

The Blessing of Ordinary
10 Days
What if the nagging sense your spiritual life needs to be more spectacular isn’t from the Holy Spirit? This devotional track reveals that finding peace that passes understanding isn’t in some greener spiritual pasture but is in finding the green in your right-now-life. Join us for the next ten days as we find the blessing in the wonderfully ordinary and learn to be content in our everyday lives.