與 哥林多前書 12:4 相關的免費讀經計劃和靈修短文
Gifting & Growth
3 Days
The largest of buildings starts with the laying of a single brick. Many of us get discouraged when we can’t seem to find the gift invested in us. Unless we recognize spiritual gifts, we cannot use them effectively for God’s glory. We need to start using our little bricks to build edifices that reflect our relationship to the Lord Jesus.
12 Days
Scripture challenges us to seek wisdom above all things. In this plan, you’ll explore several verses each day that speak directly to wisdom—what it is, why it’s important, and how to develop it.
Joy For All Seasons
30 Days
Have you ever wondered, “Is it possible to experience joy in all seasons of life?” Carol McLeod believes that God has an enormous joy for you that is within your reach. In this devotional, you will discover how to trust God when life isn’t fair, how to ponder Scripture that transforms your thinking and how to turn disappointment into a heart that rejoices in the middle of uncertainty.