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与诗篇 36:5相关的免费读经计划和灵修短文
自古以来,人类所渴望的爱都不完美。 以为这爱是我们一生想要得到,想要追寻的。 但有一种爱是我们需要的,而这爱一直围绕着我们。 两千多年前耶稣基督为我们被钉在十架上完全向我们表现那完美的爱。 此计划将帮助读者们更亲近神永恒的爱。
Six Days Of The Names Of God
6 Days
From the many names of God, He has revealed to us aspects of His character and His nature. Beyond Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, the Bible shows over 80 different names of God. Provided here are six names and their meanings to help the believer draw closer to the One True God. Excerpts from Experience the Power of God's Names: A Life-Giving Devotional , by Dr. Tony Evans. Eugene, OR: Harvest House Publishers, 2017.