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与箴言 23:21相关的免费读经计划和灵修短文
7 Days
Food can be an idol just like anything else. It can consume your thoughts, your attitudes, and your actions. Some people idolize food by eating too much of it, and others idolize food by not eating enough of it. This seven-day plan will help you establish a healthy perspective on food by engaging with the Bible, the "bread of life." For more content, check out finds.life.church
7 Days of Hope for Overcoming Eating Disorders
7 Days
Eating disorders (ED) are underwhelmingly discussed, highly misunderstood, and rarely spoken about in relation to Scripture and faith. But even though the Bible may not address this trial specifically, you can still look to God’s Word for wisdom, truth, and healing from the eating disorders you are battling.