与腓立比书 1:3相关的免费读经计划和灵修短文
腓立比书 | 靠基督我凡事都能做
5 天
腓立比书在面对艰苦试炼中是充满勇气和快乐的强者,而《藉神的话》便能非常真实的体验它。《藉神的话》 的有音指导只需五分钟就能与你走过一章。它在您屏幕上的圣经——是您耳机里的牧师——以清晰、有连接性的教导帮助您了解。您将领受腓立比书的心灵,充满了浓厚的友谊和共享的使命。
In All Things
5 Days
The letter Paul wrote to the church in Philippi has traveled across generations to nourish and challenge our hearts and minds today. This five-day devotional gives you a taste of the book of Philippians, many centuries from when God authored it through Paul. May God fill you with wonder and expectation as you read this letter of joy! Because these are not just Paul’s words to an ancient church—these are God’s words to you.
6 天
每个人都必须成长,无论是在肉体上或是属灵方面。 在肉体上,我们需要粮食来支持身体成长。 在属灵方面,我们则需要灵粮,就是上帝的话语,来支持我们的灵命成长。 我们需要确保每天的灵粮充足且营养丰富。 通过属灵纪律的操练,我们的灵命就会继续成长并日益成熟。
21 Days
Learn how best to pray, both from the prayers of the faithful and from the words of Jesus Himself. Find encouragement to keep taking your requests to God every day, with persistence and patience. Explore examples of empty, self righteous prayers, balanced against the pure prayers of those with clean hearts. Pray constantly.
虽然世界似乎越来越黑暗,基督却已呼召我们成为山上闪耀的城市。 当我们把生命分别为圣,从神的话语汲取力量和明日的盼望时,我们的生命就会在黑暗的环境中闪耀。 这个为期四周的灵修札记将带着我们深入研究神的话语,探讨如何在灵魂、心灵、意念和身体这四个方面,过分别为圣的生活。
A Jolt of Joy
31 Days
The Bible tells us that "in His presence is fullness of joy" and that "the joy of the Lord is our strength". Joy isn't simply another emotion; it is a fruit of the Spirit and one of the best weapons in your arsenal to fight against discouragement, depression, and defeat. Learn what the Bible has to say about joy, and strengthening yourself to become a defiantly joyful Christian.