与马太福音 15:15相关的免费读经计划和灵修短文
3 天
圣灵的果子如何能战胜我肉体的罪孽呢? 这个为期三天展示了温柔与分歧、传统和痛苦的斗争的阅读计划。 克里斯蒂·克劳斯 (Kristi Krauss) 以加拉太书第 5 章中的精神果实为指导,激励我们采取行动,成为日常生活中温柔的捍卫者。
Enemies Of The Heart
5 Days
Just as a physically unhealthy heart can destroy your body, an emotionally and spiritually unhealthy heart can destroy you and your relationships. For the next five days, let Andy Stanley help you look within yourself for four common enemies of the heart — guilt, anger, greed, and jealousy — and teach you how to remove them.
Guardrails: Avoiding Regrets In Your Life
5 days
Guardrails are put in place to keep our vehicles from straying into dangerous or off-limit areas. We often don’t see them until we need them—and then we’re sure thankful they’re there. What if we had guardrails in our relationships, finances, and careers? What might those look like? How might they keep us from future regrets? For the next five days, let’s explore how to set up personal guardrails.