与路加福音 2:1相关的免费读经计划和灵修短文

5 天

Praying With Wonder Through Christmas
7 Days
The Christmas story is one surprise after another. But sometimes the details become so familiar that they lose their impact. These short prayer devotionals help you to dwell deeply on the most unexpected and significant event in history: that God himself became one of us. Each prayer is written by David Mathis, executive editor for desiringGod.org and pastor at Cities Church in Saint Paul, Minnesota.

7 Days of the Christmas Story: An Advent Family Devotional
7 Days
It seems we’re all in need of a good hug, real connection, and something delightful to celebrate right now. Our prayer is that this Advent devotional will offer you and your family a way to connect, learn about the real Christmas story, and celebrate Jesus’s birth with new traditions, dinnertime stories, bedtime conversations, and family activities. We hope this Christmas “hug” brings beautiful memories to your home this Advent season!

Hope Is
14 Days
We all want to believe something better is in store. And God knows we need more than gifts under the tree to find joy. What we need is hope. Created by NewSpring Church, this plan will help you discover the power of hope and how it changes our view of everything in our lives.

24 天

24 天

Rediscovering the Christmas Season
25 Days
Start a new Christmas tradition with a non-traditional twist on the season of Advent. An ideal start date for this adventure is December 1st, while an earlier start allows a more relaxed pace. Includes reflection questions and action steps to center each day on Christ. Great for individuals, families, or small groups.

Joy! to Your World! A Countdown to Christmas
25 Days
Christmas is a time when we should all expect heaven’s entrance into our dusty, dirty worlds. Christmas is a time that reminds us all that miracles really do happen, prayers are actually answered and that heaven is just one response away. Through the experiences of Mary, Joseph, Zecharias and Elizabeth, the shepherd and the wise men, this devotional explores the significance of the first Christmas and how it intersects with each of our lives today.

Advent: The Journey to Christmas
25 Days
Christmas is truly the greatest story ever told: one of God’s perfect faithfulness, power, salvation, and unfailing love. Let’s take a journey over the next 25 days to discover God’s intricate plan to save the world from sin and the promises fulfilled in the birth of His Son.

Countdown to Christmas
29 Days
Welcome to Thriving Family's 28-day Advent Activity Calendar! Don't miss out on this opportunity to explore the true meaning of Christmas and draw closer together as a family! These parent-child activities have been created to help you keep this Christmas season focused on Christ!

A Jolt of Joy
31 Days
The Bible tells us that "in His presence is fullness of joy" and that "the joy of the Lord is our strength". Joy isn't simply another emotion; it is a fruit of the Spirit and one of the best weapons in your arsenal to fight against discouragement, depression, and defeat. Learn what the Bible has to say about joy, and strengthening yourself to become a defiantly joyful Christian.