与路加福音 17:15相关的免费读经计划和灵修短文
Healed by Jesus
6 Days
All of us need some type of healing in our lives. We might have a physical illness, emotional trauma, mental distress, or spiritual burden that we keep battling—even after years of praying it away. In this Plan, we’ll find hope and encouragement as we learn about a variety of ways that Jesus healed people.
God Is _______
6 Days
Who is God? We all have different answers, but how do we know what’s true? No matter what your experiences with God, Christians, or church have been like, it’s time to discover God for who He really is—real, present, and ready to meet you right where you are. Take the first step in this 6-day Bible Plan accompanying Pastor Craig Groeschel’s message series, God Is _______.
7 天
四年一度的奥运会即将来临,这是全球体育爱好者翘首以待的盛事。为了让读者在观看奥运各项赛事的同时,也能从中学到一些宝贵的属灵教导,并与上帝更亲近,我们特别为你准备了“奥运7日灵修”阅读计划。 圣经中,保罗多次使用运动员的比喻来向当时的基督徒传达我们的属灵旅程同样需要清晰的目标与严格的训练。的确,我们基督徒的生活就像运动员参加比赛一样需要自律节制,并追求得胜的生活,不过不是为了日渐失色的奖牌,而是追求永恒的奖赏。 在这个奥运季节,我们为你精心挑选了7篇奥运灵修文章,内含圣经经文、与奥运相关的反思问题和每日祷告。透过这个阅读计划,你将探索奥运会背后与圣经遥相呼应的属灵价值。我们希望在你观赏奥运赛事的同时,也能够获得属灵的启发,并将其应用到你的灵命成长中。 立即订阅我们的阅读计划,丰富你的观赏体验,并“锻炼”你的属灵生命。