与路加福音 16:13相关的免费读经计划和灵修短文
Breathing Room
5 Days
Do you ever feel like you don’t enjoy anything because you’re trying to do everything? Multitasking your way through life with your loved ones. . .You’re efficient. But you’re exhausted. You just need a little bit of breathing room. With one surprisingly simple invitation, God offers a way to trade your overwhelming pace for one that will finally bring you peace. This plan will show you how.
拥有智慧必须是每个人的目标。智慧说的不仅仅是智力,或拥有高于平均水平的知识,智慧更是“以神的心为心”。我们可以根据神的旨意去理解、衡量甚至决定每一步, 箴言教导说:“因为耶和华赐人智慧,知识和聪明都由他口而出。”(箴言2:6) 通过“与耶稣同行”灵修系列,我们将学习成为主的门徒。靠着神的话语,智慧日益增长。
Finding Your Financial Path
28 Days
This reading guide was created by NewSpring staff and volunteers to help you on your financial journey. Read one devotional each day and spend time with God using the Scripture, questions and prayers provided. Need help putting God first in your finances? Download free monthly and/or weekly budget forms, watch sermons, and be encouraged by success stories at www.newspring.cc/financialplanning