与希伯来书 6:3相关的免费读经计划和灵修短文

Foundational Stones Of Salvation - Jesus Is Greater Series #3
6 Days
The strength of a building lies in its foundation. In the natural sense, the main purpose of the foundation is to hold the structure above it and keep it upright. This definition of the purpose of the foundation applies even more to our spiritual lives. In Part Three of Nine of our Hebrews devotional plans, we see just how important it is to have a solid spiritual foundation.

Jesus: The Better Priest - Jesus Is Greater Series
6 Days
We start off Part Four of our Hebrews series with the third warning: Be careful not to fall away from Jesus. When we lose sight of Jesus and our relationship with Him, we can no longer access the greater life He gives and all that it brings. Jesus is the better Priest that gives us the better covenant. Without Him, we cannot live, walk and have access to God’s promises.

Entering God's Promised Rest - Jesus Is Greater Series #2
8 Days
What is rest? What does it mean to enter into God’s rest? What exactly are we resting from? As we journey through Part Two of Nine devotional plans walking us through the book of Hebrews, we discover how God defines rest, how we enter this rest and how we grow from this position of rest.