与希伯来书 4:13相关的免费读经计划和灵修短文
Fighting for Unity in a Divided World
5 Days
How do you faithfully follow Jesus in a divided world? In a world where every issue has become a battle between “us” and “them,” it is more important than ever to remember that no matter what, Jesus is still on the throne. Learn how to respond to an increasingly divided world as a disciple of Jesus.
His Great Sacrifice, Our Great Commission
10 Days
Travel a different road that leads to Easter this year. Start your journey with global missionaries in the Middle East and navigate the sights and sounds that will help you experience Easter from a whole new perspective. Experience anew why Jesus came to this earth--to save the souls of mankind.
Lessons From My Garden
12 Days
Plants and vines, water and soil—so many analogies used in God’s Word surround gardening and farming practices, presenting parallels for our life and heart. Come join Robin as she shares some of her thoughts from the combining of two of her greatest passions—gardening and the Bible.
12 天