与希伯来书 10:33相关的免费读经计划和灵修短文

Challenges Of Holding Fast—Jesus Is Greater Series #6
5 Days
Walking with God is not easy. When we choose to follow God with our whole heart, things get harder. What keeps us on this path? Why do we choose to journey with Him? Because JESUS IS GREATER! In this plan, Six of Nine, in our journey through Hebrews, we see how our life with Jesus can and will get challenging. Holding on may not always be easy, but it will be worth it.

The Way of the Kingdom
5 Days
God is awakening His Church, and we need to see the big picture. When times get tough, we will be tempted to quit. It is not, however, time to quit. Join us as we learn how to read the times we are in, as well as gain strategies on how to stand and advance the Kingdom of God.

7 天
圣诞节是一个充满着商业气息的节日。购物与大餐、欢笑与消费,五彩纷呈的橱窗、五花八门的娱乐,仿佛成了这个节日的主题。圣诞节,也在向我们发出这样一个问题:我们到底想要什么?是那转瞬即逝的浮华与欢笑?还是一份真正的、从永恒而来的礼物? 将临期(Advent)是指“即将来临”的意思,我们在这期间透过安静预备自己,记念耶稣基督两千年前在伯利恒的马槽降生,默想祂此刻在我们心中的同在,也企盼祂在末世的荣耀中再来。我们渴望上帝介入我们的生命,经历光照与觉醒,在熟悉的事物中发现上帝同在的痕迹,经历救赎的喜乐。 将临期主题三:喜乐之光——重拾生命中的恩典并以耶和华为乐 将临期的第三个主日,我们强调因救恩而产生的喜乐,因此蜡烛的颜色转为代表喜乐的粉红色,提醒我们基督降临所带来的无限恩典与欢欣。我们在这一周中,学习操练以耶和华为乐,并谦卑地顺服祂的道,深深经历祂在我们生命中的奇妙作为。 灵修阅读计划按照四个主题而编排: 启示之光——醒悟与等候以迎接一个崭新的开始 复苏之光——悔改与洁净以选择从罪恶归回上帝 喜乐之光——重拾生命中的恩典并以耶和华为乐 盼望之光——迎接主的来临殷切地盼望主的再来