与哥林多后书 10:5相关的免费读经计划和灵修短文
How to Start Reading the Bible
4 Days
Let’s be honest: we know it’s a good idea to read the Bible, but it’s pretty difficult to even know where to start. Over the next four days, we’ll learn about why the Bible’s important, how to start a daily reading habit, and how it applies to our lives today.
Finding Freedom From Stress
5 Days
Stress is real, but it doesn’t have to run your life. Through Christ, we can reframe it, refocus it, and redefine it. If you’re struggling with stress, check out this 5-day Bible Plan to learn how to find freedom and peace.
Get Out Of Your Head
5 Dias
Do you feel like a victim to your spiraling thoughts? Do you often fall prey to toxic thinking patterns like victimhood, anxiety, and distraction? The enemy of our souls is determined to make us feel helpless, overwhelmed, and incapable of making a difference for God’s kingdom. It doesn’t have to be that way! Get out of your head and into God’s promises in this five-day, thought-changing devotional from Jennie Allen.
What is Spiritual Warfare?
5 Days
If we choose to follow Christ, we’re engaged in spiritual warfare. It’s unseen and often undetected, but just because we can’t see it doesn’t mean it’s nonexistent. Our spiritual enemy desires to disrupt our lives so we’ll live miserably. In this 5-day Plan, learn how to find victory by relying on God’s strength because it’s available. We just have to begin using it.
Poor Me!
5 Days
Do you have trouble today? Have you been hurt by someone, or fallen ill, experienced lack, or suffered devastating setbacks? It’s easy to feel sorry for yourself in times like these. But God has made a way out for you! It’s time to shut down the pity party, rise up, take hold of God’s promises, and be an overcomer!
Good Advice
6 Days
Addiction, divorce, discontentment, and spiritual emptiness. How do we end up in these messes? It’s like we somehow start following bad advice. This Life.Church Bible Plan is for people who want to do away with the bad and bring on some Good Advice.
Living Changed: Forgiveness
6 Days
Many of us are walking around, nursing wounds from the things people have said or done. We continuously struggle under the weight of that baggage because we’re unwilling or unsure how to forgive. This plan isn’t about letting someone off the hook or making others feel better. It’s for you. It’s about learning how to forgive so that you can heal, find freedom from your past, and begin living changed.
Living Changed: Conversations With God
7 Days
Many of us want to have a closer relationship with God, but we don’t know where to start. When other people suggest prayer, it feels too formal, intimidating, or ineffectual. This plan will help readers know God more intimately and experience the power of prayer as each day gives tangible examples of how to have more meaningful conversations with God.
The Grudge
7 Days
It weighs you down. It keeps people out. It’s heavy and painful—it’s the grudge. Many of us may not realize it, but we’re carrying grudges that need to come out of darkness and into the light. Learn how you can find freedom through forgiveness in this 7-day Bible Plan accompanying Pastor Craig Groeschel’s message series, The Grudge.
7 Ways to Renew Your Mind
7 Days
In Romans 12:2 Apostle Paul said that we are transformed by the renewing of the mind. Many of us think that once our life is transformed, then our mind will be renewed. It is the other way around. When we were born, most of us came out into this world, head first. When your mind is changed, your life will be transformed. Remember, where your mind goes, your life follows.
Waiting on God
8 Days
Are you waiting for God to answer your prayers? Do the days, months, and years go by with no evidence that your deepest longings will ever be fulfilled? If so, you’re not alone. Join Dr. Charles Stanley as he draws on personal experience and biblical principles to offer you encouragement when all hope seems gone and guidance to help you make the most of God’s delays.
Child of God
10 Days
We have so many titles, but which is most important? Child of God, right? Do you ever get overwhelmed by all of the other titles you hold? Being a child, parent, student, sibling, employee, or athlete brings busyness. This plan will look at ways to keep God in the #1 spot while juggling so many other responsibilities.
I Choose
12 Days
Do you ever feel like you’re trapped inside a choose-your-own-adventure book with someone else doing the choosing? Moms are right. Our choices actually do matter—a lot. This Life.Church Bible Plan accompanies Craig Groeschel’s messages into some of the most powerful choices anyone can make. Maybe we can't always pick our own adventures, but we can choose purpose, prayer, surrender, discipline, love, and importance.
A Jolt of Joy
31 Days
The Bible tells us that "in His presence is fullness of joy" and that "the joy of the Lord is our strength". Joy isn't simply another emotion; it is a fruit of the Spirit and one of the best weapons in your arsenal to fight against discouragement, depression, and defeat. Learn what the Bible has to say about joy, and strengthening yourself to become a defiantly joyful Christian.