与约翰一书 3:17相关的免费读经计划和灵修短文
您相信祷告的力量吗? 当我们面对的问题太大以致无法承担时,我们会感到绝望或无奈,也自然会想要逃避。但不要忘记,祷告是我们和全能之上帝的连接点:上帝已经知道我们的所思所求,而祷告会帮助我们亲近和依靠上帝,祷告和上帝的动工有奇秒的关联。 Compassion Canada 诚恳邀请您一起为全球粮食危机的受害者祷告。 我们要祷告祈求每个人对此议题有所认知和同情; 我们要祷告祈求上帝亲自动工协助; 我们也要祷告祈求具体的行动方向。 每个人可以依照适合自己的进度进行:可以按着进圣经当代译本度完成三天的祷告,或是把时间拉长,每几天完成一个祷告项目。 (注:本读经计划引用的经文出自圣经当代译本修订版。)
Hope During A Global Pandemic
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These are unprecedented times for those of us who are alive on planet earth at this moment. Historically, we can find hope if we turn to the One who made it all and is Lord of all. What does the Bible say about why these things happen, what is God’s response to it, and what is my hope in life and death?
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Taken from his New York Times bestselling book "Crazy Love," Francis Chan delves deep into God's amazingly crazy love for us, and what our appropriate response to such a love should look like. But he doesn't stop there, challenging us to reflect on God's greatness and the huge difference between His eternal majesty and our temporary lives here on earth.
Liking Jesus
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Discover God's Vision
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What Is True Love?
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Everyone wants to know what true love is. But few people look at what the Bible says about love. Love is one of the central themes of Scripture and the most essential virtue of the Christian life. This plan from Thistlebend Ministries explores the biblical meaning of love and how to love God better and love others.