Luke 15:20
New Testament in Braid Scots 1904 (William Wye Smith)
“But, while he was yet haudin far‐awa, his faither spyʼt him, and was fuʼ oʼ compassion; and rinnin, he fell on his neck, and begude kissin him.
تلاش Luke 15:20
Luke 15:24
“ ‘For he my son, was deid, and cam to life again; he had been tint, and is fund again!’ And they begude to be joyfuʼ.
تلاش Luke 15:24
Luke 15:7
“I say tʼye, that in siclike sal thar be joy in heeven ower ae sinner repentin, mair nor ower ninety‐and‐nine gude oʼ the folk wha needit nae repentance.
تلاش Luke 15:7
Luke 15:18
“ ‘I will rise and gang tae my faither, and wull say till him, My faither! I hae dune wrang, again Heeven, and afore you
تلاش Luke 15:18
Luke 15:21
“And the son said till him, ‘My faither! I did wrang again Heeven, and afore you: I am nae mair wordie to be caʼd yere son!’
تلاش Luke 15:21
Luke 15:4
“Whatna man amang ye, haein a hunner sheep, gin he tine ane frae amang them, disna leaʼ the ninety‐and‐nine iʼ the muirs, and gang awa eftir the forwanderʼt ane, till he lichts on it?
تلاش Luke 15:4
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