Luke 11:13
New Testament in Braid Scots 1904 (William Wye Smith)
“Gif, than, bein sinfu to begin wiʼ ye ken hoo to be giean gude gifts to yere bairns, hoo muckle mair wull yere Faither wha is in Heeven gie the Holie Spirit to thae that ask him?”
تلاش Luke 11:13
Luke 11:9
“And I say tʼye, Ask ye, and it sal be dune to ye: seek ye, and ye sal hae: knock ye, and it sal be unsteekit for ye!
تلاش Luke 11:9
Luke 11:10
“For ilka ane that asks obteens; and he that seeks, finʼs; and to him that chaps, it sal be unsteekit.
تلاش Luke 11:10
Luke 11:2
And he said to them, “Whan ye are prayin, say, ‘Faither! hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come!
تلاش Luke 11:2
Luke 11:4
“ ‘And forgie us oor sins, as we oorsels forgie ilk ane behauden to us! And bring‐us‐na intil temptation!”
تلاش Luke 11:4
Luke 11:3
“ ‘Oor needfuʼ breid gie to us day by day!
تلاش Luke 11:3
Luke 11:34
“The lamp oʼ the body is the ee; whan then yer ee is aefauld, the hail body is in the licht: but wheneʼer it is evil, yere body is become mirk.
تلاش Luke 11:34
Luke 11:33
“Nae man, lichtin a crusie, pits it aneath a cover, nor yet aneath a dish; but on the lamp‐stead, that thae comin in may see the licht.
تلاش Luke 11:33
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