Genesis 2:24
The Passion Translation
For this reason, a man leaves his father and his mother to be unselfishly attached to his wife. They become one flesh as a new family!
Genesis 2:24 keşfedin
Genesis 2:18
Then YAHWEH-God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. Therefore, I will fashion a suitable partner to be his help and strength.”
Genesis 2:18 keşfedin
Genesis 2:7
YAHWEH-God scooped up a lump of soil, sculpted a man, and blew into his nostrils the breath of life. The man came alive—a living soul!
Genesis 2:7 keşfedin
Genesis 2:23
Then Adam said: “At last! One like me! Her bones were formed from my bones, and her flesh from my flesh! This one will be called ‘Woman,’ for she was taken from man.”
Genesis 2:23 keşfedin
Genesis 2:3
So God blessed the seventh day and made it sacred, because on it, he paused to rest from all his work of creation.
Genesis 2:3 keşfedin
Genesis 2:25
The man and his wife felt no shame, unaware that they were both naked.
Genesis 2:25 keşfedin
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